Thursday 13 November 2014

ORANGEVILLE PREP vs SJK (Kitchener) : Final score 44-110



Final score 44-110

This Game showed the potential of what Orangeville Prep can do in comparison to other good to great local Teams SJK is not a push over by any means just take a look at the history of the program and the many CIS player they have produced over the year but when met with such depth and talent its hard to compete with a Talent "Monster" like Orangeville Prep. The game was never close and the bigger stars did not play in 4th Quarter - Jamal, Thon, Jaylen Poyser etc..  we hope Orangeville Prep can show this dominance during the U.S Tour coming up.. 


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Thank you Coach D for the images and short video Clips
Champion Hoops Training :

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