Tuesday 23 September 2014

Rell Johnson of Nova Scotia Tranferring to Mount Zion academy in Durham, NC also reclassifying to the class of 2016!


Rell Johnson of Nova Scotia Transferring to Mount Zion academy in Durham, NC also reclassifying to the class of 2016 - Mount Zion Academy - http://www.mzcadurham.org/

We spoke with Dyrel and he simply stated it is a competition and exposure move for him as he is actively chasing the goal of attending a high profile NCAA school in his future. Dyrel is a good student as reported to us with an 80% average at Citadel - http://www.chs.ednet.ns.ca/ meaning he should have no issue qualifying for a scholarship should the opportunity be presented to him. We look forward to witnessing what Rell can do down in the States we anticipate this young Canadian will be successful and add to the crop of up and coming Canadian Ball Players.

Rell Johnson Mix-Tape : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sxs4XDsocE


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