Tuesday 18 March 2014



The NCAA Tournament along with the season we have all witnessed by so many of our Canadian players enjoying this year makes us all wonder how come we don't seem to have that type of Elite Talent on display at the CIS & CCAA level.

There are small pockets of Teams in the CIS & CCAA with great Athletes that inspire the imagination of all of us when we watch there school compete however there is an athletic void. The CCAA has alway been a more exciting league domestically than the CIS due to style of play most nights and the Athletes that who end up at our local Colleges Sheridan, Humber, Algonquin & Mohawk tend to get up and down a little more than your average CIS Team when speaking in terms of Ontario Teams outside the Elite level of Carleton.

If the province of Ontario is pumping out most of the NCAA talent there must be some great talent remaining to fill in the gaps here at home why are these players not filling rosters across the country in both of our leagues ?
We have heard that Western Canadian Universities and Colleges like to recruit Americans to fill there talent gap knowing they could easily recruit players from within the country to provide the talent they need to put an exciting product on the floor however they choose not to leaving some players without a place to showcase there skill domestically.

We could give an educated guess at the Number of Ontario High Schools Teams Across the Nation should be recruiting and sending information too probably in excess of 50 School who traditionally produce Elite Talent not all the kids end up play in the NCAA some players develop later and actually end up better than those who left the country. 

There is a Regional bias when it comes to recruiting players in our sport everyone wants the hometown kid to be on there team and perform great but the practice of keeping all the "homers" limits your team and the sport your student body knows there not seeing the best just the best from around here .. which is not good enough for a National audience if that is our goal for Basketball in Canada.

Hopefully the School and Coaches wise up and start looking beyond there front door or there province there are players all over Canada looking for your attention CIS/CCAA Basketball Schools.


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