Friday, 2 December 2016


The Canadian Basketball league will kick off its first season on December 11th, 2016 in Hamilton, Ontario.  The League will host an Open House game with a matchup between the Wellington Basketball Club and Hamilton United Basketball at Mohawk College on December 9, 2016. The season will consist of 50 games.

The Canadian Basketball League was formed in July 2014 Its first game slated for December 11, 2016. It is the only professional basketball league in North America that plays by FIBA rules requiring WADA doping testing of all its athletes. The goal is to help develop Canadian talent while also attracting quality international players as young as 17 years old. The CBL will start with four Ontario-based teams (Wellington Basketball Club, Hamilton United Basketball Club, Scarborough Basketball Club and Durham United Basketball Club), in communities with populations over 300,000. Visit or call (844) 225-5886 for details on Season Tickets, Family Passes, Group Sales and Single Game Tickets.


The Canadian Basketball League 
cordially invites you to join us as we celebrate the launch of our inaugural season on

Friday December 9th
7:00pm - 9:00pm

We will be hosting an Open House at

Mohawk College
David Braley Athletic & Recreation Centre

home of the Hamilton United Basketball Club.

                                                                CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Yours in Basketball

Rob Bowden
Hamilton United Basketball Club
99 Harbour Sq, Suite 2908
Toronto, ON, 
M5J 2H2


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