Saturday 28 June 2014

OBA's New Transfer Rules for Players - 2014 - 2015 - GOOD OR BAD ?

The OBA has come out with new Transfer rules to govern player movement within Club Basketball in Ontario if you are a parent or player of age to understand these rules make sure you read them & understand the consequences of choosing the wrong team or Club in your basketball future the policy created by the OBA leaves no room for mistakes or being caught in a bad situation you will be stuck with either a bad team, bad coach or bad club regardless of if you would like to leave the Club. 

Key Points :

1. Timing
Once a player has signed to a particular OBA member club, he/she is committed to that OBA member club until he/she is released by that OBA member club.
-make the team and the club owns you until they want to release you 

2. Player Transfer Fee
The fee for a player to transfer from one OBA member club to another OBA member club is $300; payable by the Transferee Club to the OBA member club the player left ($250 to the latter OBA member club and $50 to OBA for administrative purposes).
- create a policy to pay for the policy and reward clubs who lose players to other clubs all designed to restrict or discourage free choice after a season 

3. Temporary Release
A player is permitted to be temporarily released (form available on OBA website) for, a) basketball if the original club does not field an OBA club team during the summer or b) Ontario Basketball or Canada Basketball high performance programming. A player may request a temporary release from his/her OBA member club upon completion of his/her Ontario Cup Provincial Championships.
- You are only granted a temporary release if you are an elite player within a program run by the OBA or Basketball Canada both are government bodies who are looking to run there own Elite AAU Teams hence they get the "Temporary Release" clause.

They say this is all designed to promote respect within Clubs , Teams & Parents in making informed choices however this entire document seems very one sided player movement does not effect the OBA  player movement is a problem for clubs who lack innovation and the knowledge to grow and attract players and keep good coaches we all know who these clubs are its a shame they need a document like this to slow the progress of Basketball in the GTA. 

This past Thursday Canada made History @ the NBA Draft and you would think people would notice and not put out restrictive legislation clearly freedom of choice works Andrew Wiggins, Nik Staukus, Dwight Powell, Tyler Ennis, Sim Bhullar are all players who have benefited from moving to where the basketball is best played as well as playing on the best Club Teams in order to gain exposure and success. 

The appointed board of governors for player transfers who ever they might be will have there hands full the first time they say no to any parent or kid trying to move to a better situation this will all end up becoming a GIANT headache for everyone OBA, Clubs Teams, Kids & Parents.

We encourage everyone to read the final document in blue its something we all need to be informed about.

1 comment:

  1. Hi All,

    I've started the following petition on to give back freedom of choice to players and coaches in the OBA.  This change will be brought forward as a motion at the OBA Annual Meeting of Members on October 31, 2015. Please take a moment to sign this petition and share with all the impacted athletes, parents and coaches that you know.  We appreciate your support.

    Click here to view the petition on

    Coach Sean

    The views expressed above are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of any organization that I am affiliated with.
