Tuesday 25 March 2014

Coach I Didn't Make My High School Team ...

Coach I Didn't Make My High School Team .

As the Rep Season draws close to an end for all the Middle School players there is one particular group under a ton of pressure the Major Bantam age group Grade 8.
For many it will be there last kick at the can for a Rep Title in any division or maybe even a D1 ranking for those teams that have never been in the top division however that isn't there biggest concern the concern is what happens next year.

The thought came to me this weekend while at a Tournament that many of the players even on my team may not make there Junior Team next year although they are good to elite rep players or there roles will not be what they imagined after all of these years training and practicing.
We will be honest with you most Rep Teams are a pay to play situation parents pay in excess of 800 dollars to have there son or daughter make a team yes there are tryouts and yes some people get cut however for the most part its a giant country club of parents and kids who have been there before and the coach knows to pick your kid it is very hard for a new kid to make a team these days.

High School is the Reset Button many parents and players are afraid of you have to prove yourself one more time without your reputation and the Rep Fee to save you no amount of money will get you on the team in High School you just pay the student fee.
As the time nears for the kids to submit paper work to attend there next level of education we hear parents announcing where there kid is going to play when really they will be lucky if they do play ever again
parents choose your child's school wisely and not just to brag he's going to Campion or Henry Carr will he play there will he have a good experience how is the actual school better yet can he make the team big question..

Your Rep Coach is not responsible if your kid doesn't make there High School team let that be clear playing time in Rep Basketball is more political than actual most of the time so the time he or she received on the court has zero bearing as to there potential to make or break there High School team and there role next year. You will hear a lot of parents next year saying "but he played so much in Rep" when there kid is bench warming at XYZ High School playing behind what they thought were lesser players.

Worst case and this happens to good players they get cut outright from the team and have no School Season do you still play Rep OBA in grade 9 this is a good question we say yes you do still play and compete and train to get better because your supposed to love the game and push through and you could always transfer to a new school or tryout again.

What you will find if you keep playing Rep past grade 8 is there are a ton of kids developing there game because they could not make there Junior Team or the big AAU clubs in the area most of the top kids stop playing OBA after Grade 8 .. you wont see a top level CIA BOUNCE TEAM, GRASSROOTS or NORTHERN KINGS even BMBA has an Elite Program designed for AAU only Tournaments..

All we are saying is do not quit on your own talent but don't think because you played Rep and got minutes your High School coach cares about who you were ..

BE PREPARED .. WORK ON YOUR GAME .. YOU MOM can't save you this time..


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